The Lebanon County Bicycle Transportation Map is located at the Lebanon County Metropolitan Planning Organization website. Click here for access. This major endeavor is a partnership with the Bicycle Coalition, the Lebanon County Metropolitan Planning Organization (LEBCO MPO), and PennDOT. The staff at the County GIS office provide important data, experience and expertise.
The purpose of this Map is to inform Penn DOT, LEBCO MPO, municipalities, and contracted planners and engineers which roads are most frequently used by bicyclists to reach their varied destinations.
Reconstruction of intersections, adding turning lanes and other road projects should include facilities for bicyclists especially on these designated roads. Close examination of the Map shows that there are many important state roadways that lack four foot shoulders. As these roads are resurfaced and improved, a concerted effort should be made to widen the shoulders. Dieting the travel lanes may be possible. Traffic engineers determine if a road can be dieted.
An example of a state road that should be prioritized for improvement is SR 501 between Reistville and SR 422 and between Schaefferstown west of the bypass segment and Lancaster County. These sections need shoulders that will make this roadway safer not only for bicyclists but also Amish who are using scooters and horse drawn vehicles. Pedestrians will be better served as well.
The Lebanon County Bicycle Transportation Map was used as a template to prepare Bicycle Transportation Maps for Dauphin and Cumberland Counties. LVBC and HBC members updated the Dauphin County Map with considerable emphasis on the Hershey area because of the importance of connectivity between the two counties.