Your contributions enable LVBC volunteers to carry out our mission to have better, safer bicycling conditions in Lebanon County, the region and Pennsylvania.
When needed, we work at the national level to make the case before Congress and U.S. DOT/ FHWA.
You are paying for an LVBC website and for liability insurance which continues to increase annually. This insurance covers our offering bike rides and educational activities in addition to general liability.
You are paying for LVBC membership in national advocacy organizations including the League of American Bicyclists . We have used a listserve through which we gain information and ask for advice across a national network of advocacy leaders.
You are paying for paper, printing, copying, toner, office supplies.
You are paying for items to award kids when they play the spin the bike safety wheel game.
You are paying for signs that LVBC uses at our events.
You are paying for items that we provide to our most active volunteers to say thanks.
You are paying for LVBC recognition “gifts” which include framings, Lebanon County scenic mugs and other modest cost, appropriate recognitions.
You have paid for Lebanon County Scenic Bike Ride Maps.
You have paid for bike racks to provide to non – profits and governmental locations.
You will be paying for professional expertise on bike facilities.
You receive volunteer work to get results which includes roundabout facilities to include bicyclists and pedestrians and pocket bike lanes at right turning lanes and reconstructed intersections. None would exist without LVBC’s persevering advocacy.