On Saturday October 29 LVBC members participated in the ribbon cutting ceremony for the dedication of the new mountain bike trail around the perimeter of Coleman Park. The trail was constructed by the Susquehanna Area Mountain Bike Association (SAMBA). SAMBA President Nick Loftus made remarks before City of Lebanon Mayor Sherry Capello cut the ribbon to open the trail. Prior to the ceremony the trail was used for a PA Interscholastic Cycling League race with four high school and middle school teams participating. Teams from Hershey, Elizabethtown, Susquenita, and the Lebanon Valley Mountain Bike team (Cedar Crest/Lebanon) raced around the two mile course. At the conclusion of the race and ceremony the Bikes N Bites event took place which offered guided tours of the new trail, pump track demos, bicycle safety information, a bike show, and food trucks.