PennDOT adopted the Active Transportation Plan in 2019.  Click here to access the ATP     Our LEBCO MPO (metropolitan planning organization) has a County Transportation Plan.   Every other year, our MPO updates its Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and funds projects on the TIP, Transportation Improvement Program.   Our municipalities prepare their own comprehensive plans.

 As a result,  it is necessary for members of LVBC to provide input into these many planning processes and be prepared to respond to plans that fail to accommodate bicycling  as a serious mode of transportation in addition to being of value  for recreation and fitness.  We need to know what bike facilities may solve problems.  We need to  prevent the many miles of existing and sufficiently adequate roads for bicycling in Lebanon County  from being ruined for cyclists to use safely.    An example of this is the Connector Project in S. Londonderry Township that has resulted in a dangerous intersection at Forge Road and SR 322 for bicyclists.   This is demanding work.

 The good news is that the more we study and respond to transportation planning, the easier it gets to provide information and  persuasive arguments.   Another  positive factor is that many communities throughout the country as well as  many states are far ahead of us in Pennsylvania.   We learn from their experiences with bicycle facilities.  On internet sites, we  can watch many videos on the implementation and  use of bike lanes, boulevards, shared lane markings and other accommodations for bicyclists  and determine whether any of these, if implemented,  will improve bicycling in Lebanon County.

 Responses to PennDOT, the LEBCO MPO and municipalities in Lebanon County will be available for  review and your commentary and suggestions.   You are invited to recommend information for inclusion on the Planning site as well as your own commentary.  Your attendance at LEBCO MPO monthly meetings and at meetings conducted to develop municipal comprehensive plans is so important.

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